FAQ and Class Policies

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FAQ and Class Policies

Trapeze and Circus Conditioning ClassesAm I strong/flexible enough?
Beginners are absolutely welcome in Tangle’s classes! You’ll gain strength and flexibility through taking our classes– plus we’ll suggest more exercises for you to do at home so you can take the most advantage of your circus time. If you have a particular injury or concern, let us know!

What should I wear?
Comfortable, form-fitting clothing that covers like leggings or sweatpants, with no exposed buttons or zippers. Long hair should be pulled back and jewelry removed. To avoid ropeburn, you may wish to bring socks and a shirt that will cover your shoulders and arms. Bring a plastic water bottle.

Where are Tangle’s classes?
Tangle’s classes meet at the Performance Garage, a beautiful dance studio space in the Fairmount area of Philadelphia, at 1515 Brandywine Street, near the Broad Street Line stop at Spring Garden & Broad.

Is it safe?
Our teaching philosophy emphasizes injury prevention and best safety practices. Tangle instructors have completed teacher trainings with the New England Center for Circus Arts, and we maintain an industry-standard insurance policy. New students start out on low trapezes, and progress at a pace that is comfortable and safe for them.

What if I can’t make it?
At this time, Tangle does not offer reimbursements for cancellations. However, make-ups can be scheduled in future classes with enough space available. Contact info@tangle-arts.com with questions or to schedule a make-up. Make-ups expire 8 weeks after the class date originally scheduled.

Can I schedule private lessons, workshops, or lessons for children?
Yes! Contact info@tangle-arts.com and we’ll find an arrangement that works for you. Private lessons for adults, solo or group lessons for children, or lessons at alternate times may be scheduled depending on availability. Tangle’s choreography and improvisation workshops can come to your circus or dance studio.

What aerial rigging do I need to bring your classes or workshops to my studio?
We’re glad to discuss the possibility of traveling to your studio. Workshops generally require 1 aerial rigging point for every 2 students. To discuss the technical requirement for aerial rigging, get in touch.